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Tag: VanLife
#20 Build 4 – The front area
Because of the cold and wet wether outside i can´t do the metal work on the van. Thats why I started refurbishing the cockpit first. Things done: Cleaning (a never ending storie. After cleaning everything you only need to wait a second and cleaning starts again) The small shelf that was mounted became a bigger...Continue reading
#19 Build 3 – New 3D sketchup floorplan
Today it was raining the whole day. So I did some planning on the PC and created a new floorplan with sketchup. The permanent installed shower will get a transfomable shower and the kitchen part will be build as a drawer part. But the good news: I will keep my permanent Bed in the back...Continue reading
#18 Build 2 – It´s all about rust…
As you could see from the photo of the Build 1 post, there is a lot of rust that needs to be removed. So the last few days have been spent sanding and brushing. In particular, a lot of work has been done on the entrances on the driver’s and passenger’s side. But it started...Continue reading
#17 Build 1 – Finaly it´s done…
Yes! I bought a van… “First things don’t happen and second things don’t happen” is the mantra of this purchase. So what didn’t go according that plan, or rather, why did I deviate from it?We briefly recall my original ideaand here are the deviations:-Not a classic car but still old (built in 1996). [Apart from...Continue reading
#16 The insulation (environmentally friendly, sustainable, effective)
If you want to build a warm weather camper, you can probably neglect this article but for all-season vanlifer this is probably one of the most important topics. Unfortunately, the community is pretty stuck here and everywhere you get Armaflex from Armacell as the miracle cure for vehicle insulation touted. However, if you do a...Continue reading
#15 How many solar power and battery capacity do I need?
This answer is quite simple because you can simply calculate it. A solar panel supplies 12V and in our latitudes you can expect an average of about 4-5 hours of yield per day. Based on this, you can calculate with 400 Wh or 33,33 Ah per 100 Watt solar panel. So that you can save...
#13 DIY Waschmaschine für unterwegs
Wer in den Urlaub reist wird nur in den seltensten Fällen Platz haben, um seine Waschmaschine mitzunehmen. Dabei muss eine Waschmaschine nicht groß sein......Continue reading
#12 Ich packe meinen Camper und nehme mit…
Die wohl schwierigste Frage die man jemandem stellen kann der gerade einen Urlaub plant: Was brauchst du denn alles? Wenn dann jemand noch permanent in den Camper ziehen will, dann heisst es erstmal ordentlich ausmisten.Man sollte also lange vor dem “Einzug” anfangen das Inventar kritischer zu betrachten. Ich gehe seit Wochen immer wieder durchs Haus...Continue reading