I’ll give you a warning: This topic offers enough space to fill whole books, so I just have to cut at some places. If I will make my own contribution out of it, we will see then.
Tag: camperlife
#4 How I planned the electrical system
The rough overview is that the van has of course the starter battery, which is charged by the alternator. Additionally I need one or more batteries to supply the living area with electricity. So far so good. Now you have to think less about how to use the electricity and more about how to get...Continue reading
#3 How a camper gets smart
As I mentioned before, I am a nerd and so it is quite clear to me that my van has to be smart as well. The plan: I want to be able to control any electrical setup of the van via the touch panel and also via the internet if it makes sense. Turning the...Continue reading
#2 Planning has started
At first I watched hours and hours of YouTube videos and found a lot of inspiration but also had always a point (or more) where I thought about each project: No, I want to do that differently. But how do I want to do it? Well, in the end, of course, this is determined by...Continue reading
#1 A new hobby is born…
Vor 6 Monaten habe ich Zuwachs bekommen und Ihr Name ist Kaya. Sie ist zuckersüß und absolut toll aber neben allem Positiven, bringt ein Hund auch ein paar Einschränkungen mit sich. Allen voran ist wohl das Reisen im Flugzeug. Es tut mir leid wenn ich nun enttäuschen muss aber ich gehöre nicht zu den Vegi-Öko-Umwelt...Continue reading